
Tech Strategy meetup: event wrap

New Tech Strategy, who dis? 🤳

Buzzing with energy and packed to the gills with thirsty minds—that was the scene at Propel Ventures for last week’s cracking meetup. We teamed up with Propel to bring you Tech Strategy: From Launch to Lift Off 🚀, a bang on topic to kick off a new year.

Simon Raik-Allen set the stage with his trademark panache, then Tomas Varsavsky grabbed the mic to delve into the nitty-gritty of crafting a killer tech strategy. No more chasing after “sexy futurism”—Tom preached practicality with just the right dash of strategic sass. 🤌

And Dee Kulkarni? She didn’t hold back, delivering a concrete case study straight from the trenches of real-world tech battles. 🪖

Simon rounded things off with a cheeky take on a tech strategy bible 📖, pointing out its flaws and offering up some spicy alternatives.

A hearty thanks to these three phenomenal speakers, Propel Ventures, and everyone who put their 🍑 on a seat.

Don’t change the channel! More unmissable meetups coming 🔜 📺

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Above: tech strategy meetup
Above: tech strategy meetup
Above: tech strategy meetup
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