🗞️ Shocking news just in!!!
There’s only 5 days left until Programmable 2024 lands in Melbourne. And with so many high-calibre speakers covering a kaleidoscope of topics, there’s a good chance this thing will blow your Crocs off 🐊💨
Still on the fence? Here’s a little taster:
🧠 Michelle Sandford asks “Am I the Problem or is it AI?”
🚀Scott Shaw explores advancements in engineering platforms
🔗 Erin Zimmer will have you hooked on Hooks in React
🔍 David Kemp looks at the complexities of matching millions of data points
💡 Anna Fiofilova wonders if we still need QAs
And we haven’t even touched the sides. So, to all you Fence-Straddlers, Dilly-Dalliers, and In-Betweeners: maybe, just maybe, this is a sign from the universe?
[ethereal whisper] Get yourself a Programmable ticket—and hold onto your Crocs.
Here‘s a link. Just in case.