
Happy work anniversary, Tats

It’s been two years since Tatiana, our favorite Yuzhna, waltzed in with a twinkle in her eye and a trick up her sleeve.

Super-efficient and organised, with a knack for crafting magic into the mundane 🪄, she is the architect of so many unforgettable adventures. And pranks.

You see, Tatiana’s the one who’ll pull together your team long weekender, peppering it with a surprise Mariachi band and seaplane escape 🫨 She’s also the shameless prankster who’ll leave your desk looking like a scene from a spooky film, artfully cobwebbed, complete with a realistically ‘cracked’ computer screen, and the faint sound of crickets chirping from the Sonos. 😂

It’s been another big year for Tatiana. Hungry to learn and eager to outdo herself, she’s been making gutsy moves within her role, and our merry band of contractors continue to adore her.

Happy work anniversary, Tats—you’re the sprinkle of spice in our office life 🌶️✨

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