
DesignsOps LOL meetup: event wrap

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You showed up, you glowed up.

It was another juicy turnout for last night’s DesignOps LOL meetup, so the secret is well and truly out: this is an event that always delivers.

Evan Simmonds from Up Bank is a guy who knows more than just a thing or two about building exceptional app experiences. He schooled us in crafting special moments for engagement-boosting📈, dough-saving 💰 results.

But then, there was the surprise package—Ryan Hayward 🎁 A 22-year-old go-getter with more businesses than you can shake a stick at, he’s taking on Framer like a champ and racking up a huge following along the way.

Before we drop the mic, let’s give a big high-five to our sensational hosts, Ch’an Armstrong and Sam Bowring, and another one to Propel Ventures for giving us the space to make magic happen. 🙏✨

See you at the next one, because life’s too short for boring-ass meetups 🤷